Benefits Package Promotion

The following information was shared by the Steering Committee.

Effectively communicating employee benefits to current employees and potential new hires can be a helpful tool to meet retention and recruitment goals. For employee benefits, the goal is to motivate employees to comprehend and access the benefits your organization provides.

Promoting your benefits internally and externally brings several benefits. Robust benefits are necessary to attract potential new hires. According to recent studies, 60% of candidates surveyed said benefits and perks are a major factor in considering whether to accept a job offer. Also, 48% listed benefits as the top factor that attracts them to a position – even more important than a higher salary (46%)[1]. Promotion of benefits should begin before the interview process. Competitive benefits can influence whether candidates apply. Some best practices to keep benefits top of mind for current and prospective employees include the following:

Communicate Frequently
Benefits need to be communicated every month. Merely explaining benefits at open enrollment annually is not very effective. Employees are busy, distracted, and can’t absorb all the information at once.

Build the Employer Brand
While communicating, be consistent in organizational branding. Use logo, colors, font, and tone in every communication. When something is consistently branded, it elevates the perception and value of what is being said. Furthermore, consistency builds brand recognition and employees (or potential employees) start to pay attention.

How You Communicate Matters
The classic marketing technique of communicating “What’s in it for me?” definitely applies when promoting benefits. Although listing the features and benefits of a plan is certainly necessary, it may not be effective. Simply listing features and benefits fails to create an emotional connection. When someone shares a personal story of how a benefit helped them, it creates an emotional connection and resonates with employees.

Use Push, Pull, and Interactive Communications
When communicating your benefits, incorporate all three communications techniques — push, pull and interactive. Push communication is when benefit information is provided directly to the employees, such as via texts, emails, or printed material.  Pull communication is when the employee proactively retrieves the information when he/she needs it, such as accessing website, intranet sites, mobile apps, benefits administration portals, videos, or social media groups. Interactive platforms allow for two-way communications and for questions to be asked and answered. These platforms include live webinars/Q&A sessions and direct employee advocacy. The most effective communication strategy uses all three for maximum impact.

Use Multichannel Marketing
Multichannel marketing matters because it allows the message to be where employees or potential employees are. The more places there is a presence, the more likely it will reach the indented audience.

For recruiting, share information on the organization career page, recruiting events, offer letters, social media, and job sites such as LinkedIn or Glassdoor. Frequently job seekers find frustration with lack of information about pay and benefits. For example, include a QR code or hyperlink in the offer letter that takes them to a landing page that explains the great benefits of the organization.

For retention, communicate through email, monthly newsletter, break room bulletin boards, health fairs, webinars/seminars, texts, and social media (using your own hashtags).

Communicating your benefits frequently and effectively sets the tone for better retention and more robust recruitment activities. Create clear, easy-to-find messaging that lets employees and prospective recruits know the value of the organization’s total compensation package.

  1. COMMUNICATION TIPS FOR PROMOTING YOUR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IN 2022. (2022, 10 22). Retrieved from Innovative Benefit Planning: Read Full Article